English for Executive Administrative Assistant

English for Executive Administrative Assistant (EAA) is written to

fulfill students’ need to learn English for specific Purposes, especially

those who plan to work as a professional administrative staff. The

need for increased English language skills for personnel of Professional

administration is an urgent matter, as the era of globalization has

penetrated into various sectors; economics, culture, science, and so on.

Therefore, professional Administrative Personnel are required to have

competence English and professional attitude to be able to fulfill the

needs of the institution or company they represent.

This book consists of five units which are developed from the

decree of the English Language consortium at the Directorate of Course

Development and Institution, Directorate General of Non Formal and

Informal Education, Ministry of National Education (National Work

Competency Standards/SKKNI), year 2009. The first three units are

organized into specific language skills (Reading, Writing and Speaking),

containing various activities designed to train and improve students’

English proficiency related to the targeted administrative skills. Unit

I covers negotiation skills, with the focus on the discussion, practices

and useful expressions relevant to conducting effective negotiation in

English Language. Unit II covers presentation skills, with key elements

of how to make effective presentation in English Language discussed

and practiced. Next, Unit III covers Public Relations, with various

elements of administrative tasks with close relations to public relations

issues discussed and practiced. which are then followed by practices to perform administrative tasks

using effective English Language. To be more specific, Unit IV covers

intermediate communication strategies, including various English

expressions indicating hesitation, reflection, formal and informal

requests, offers, intentions, acceptance and refusal. Finally, Unit V

covers summaries and reports, with a range of tips to write good reports

in English, followed by examples and practices. The writing tasks in

Unit IV and V are mostly presented in the form of guided writing which

provides students with the language expressions they need to complete

the relevant administrative tasks. In addition to reading and writ¬ing

exercises, it also presents speaking which explains about a concept

which is then followed by speaking practices.