註釋Contents Arabian Studies R. Boucharlat, M. Mouton, Les pratiques funeraires dans le peninsule d'Oman. Repartition et mode de construction des tombes de Mleiha ( E.A.U. ). G. de Ceuninck, Les Petroglyphes du Fujairah, Emirats Arabes Unis. H. Cleere, Beatrice de Cardi and the Council for British Archeology. H. Crawford, Tokens of Esteem. W. Dostal, On Stimulating Interdisciplinary Conversation between Anthropologists and Archeologists. E. Glover, Mangroves, Molluscs and Man. Archeological Evidence for Biogeographical Changes in Mangrove around the Arabian Peninsula. E. Haerinck, Petroglyphs at Sinadil in the Hajjar Mountains ( Southeast Arabia ). C. Hardy-Guilbert, Villages cotiers abandonnes du Qatar. D. Kennet, Evidence for 4th/5th-Century Sasanian Occupation at Khatt, Ras al-Khaimah. G. King, C. Tonghini, The Western Islands of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Notes on Ghagha. K.A. Kitchen, Three Sabaean Dedications: a Well and Three Statues. P. Lombard, Quand la tradition tue l'innovation: reflexions sur la glyptique de l'Age du Fer a Rumeilah ( E.A.U. ). S. Mery, C. Phillips, Y. Calvet, Dilmun Pottery in Mesopotamia and Magan from the end of the 3rd and Beginning of the 2nd Millenium B.C. T.C. Mitchell, An Inscribed South Arabian Bronze Seal. P.R.S. Moorey, Did Easterners Sail round Arabia to Egypt in the Fourth Millenium B.C. ? D.T. Potts, Namord Ware in Southeastern Arabia. J. Reade, Assyrian Illustrations of Arabs. M. Rice, Beatrice de Cardi: an Appreciation. S. Searight, A Pilgrim Flask from Julfar ? C. Velde, The Dilmun Cemetery at Karanah 1 and the Change of Burial Customs in Late City II. C. Vita-Finzi, Ancient Shorelines of Oman and Qatar. B. Vogt, State, Problems and Perspectives of Second Millenium B.C. Funerary Studies in the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah ( U.A.E. ). T.J. Wilkinson, Human Environment Interactions in the Highlands of Yemen.