Joey Green's Incredible Country Store
Potions, Notions and Elixirs of the Past--and How to Make Them Today
出版Rodale Books, 2004-07-19
主題Antiques & Collectibles / General

To wander through the pages of Joey Green's Incredible Country Store is to experience the innocence and warmth of a bygone era. In this treasury of tips, recipes, and make-it-yourself concoctions, you will discover which country-store gadgets and gizmos have stood the test of time-and which are now collectors' items. You'll find recipes for homemade soaps, candles, perfumes, elixirs, and candies; directions on how to make those wonderful old wooden toys; and illustrations of those confounding brainteaser puzzles from the Ozarks.

Some other treats that await you include:
- Secret formulas for old-time, brand-name products you can make at home-for just pennies. Make your own Chanel No. 5, Chap Stick, Play-Dough, Tiger Balm, and more

- The history, lore, and strange facts behind famous country-store brands and the stores themselves

- Dozens of Joey Green's trademark wacky facts thrown in for good measure--Did you know that Melanie's pregnancy in Gone with the Wind, when calculated by the dates of the Civil War battles mentioned, lasted 21 months? That collectors value some old Cracker Jack prizes as high as $7,000? That originally the cream filling in Oreo cookies was made with pork lard?

Crammed with vintage advertisements and 357 photographs of curiosities from the past, Joey Green's Incredible Country Store has irresistible retro appeal-and makes a great gift!