He Fell from the Sky

 Until now there has been no magic, no adventure in Mary Bell’s life. Her small community in northern Saskatchewan is not a place where anything ever happens. Other than a heinous murder some thirty years ago, Buffalo Narrows has remained unscathed by notoriety. The population of Aboriginal people and of ancestors of European settlers, cohabit the tiny remote town and together they enjoy a peaceful, harmonious and simple but difficult existence. But then on a beautiful summer day, in 2000, life as Mary Bell knows it, comes to a sudden halt. A small Cessna hydroplane with five passengers on board crashes in the fields near Mary’s town and she is the only witness to a bloody and fatal tragedy. Jack Holden, a lawyer and human rights activist enters the scene and turns Mary’s dreary life upside down. Not only does she fall in love, but a truth about her community, an ugly truth is revealed. An adventure which she dared only to dream about, is presented to her. A gripping tale of romance and self-discovery mixed in with a relevant social issue.