註釋Extrait de la couverture : "The female, half of human population, is often a neglected lot. It is mosst nations' misfortune that they do not avail in full measure the benefits of the talents of half of their populations. In India, more than in most other places, women are perceived 'second sex', dependant on men. It is a tragedy that not only men, but most of the women themselves hold the same view because of their traditional social orientation. How is the change in the mindsets that is required to be brought about? Even after decades of eforts at the national and international levels to make women join the mainstream of development, the situation has not improved to the desired extent. why? Waht additional interventions are required and what corrections are needed in the on-going strategies? The book examines some of these issues. It also provides in detail the results of a study conducted on women, establishing that, given an opportubity, women can excel in assuming leadership and managerial functions. It peeps into depths of the problem and calls for a change in the social orientation of men and women."