1944 [i.e. Ezerkilencszáznegyvennégy] március 19
註釋A survey of events in Hungary after the German occupation in March 1944. Pp. 238-275, "Szeretettől áthatott fajvédelem", focus on the mass deportation of Hungarian Jews. Describes the rapid progression of anti-Jewish measures, the establishment of the Judenrat, the activities of Edmund Veesenmayer and of Adolf Eichmann, and the collaboration of the Hungarian government. The concentration of the Jews in ghettos was carried out with great cruelty by the Hungarian police under László Ferenczy. Horthy, though a fervent antisemite, tried to protect some wealthy Jewish families. Gives details of the protest by Papal Nuncio Angelo Rotta against the mass deportations and of the Joel Brand affair.