My God and Yours Jesus Christ
註釋This little book is a very important message the Lord Jesus gave me for His people. It is for those with ears to hear and eyes to see. In it the Lord brings us on a journey. First the tabernacle, which is crucial in the journey because it is the pattern established in heaven that overlays everything. It is Christ, His sacrifice and the process of redemption and fellowship with God. Everything in the tabernacle speaks of Jesus Christ and His ministry, but also of His body and how we are like the lamb given over to death as a living sacrifice. We then journey through the major pitfalls we can stumble into and how we can stall and flounder in our Christian walk. But solutions, and not condemnation, are provided to help us be overcomers and prevent us from falling into deception and apathy. The heart of the message is that Jesus intensely desires for a people to become ONE with Him. We see a picture of becoming one with Christ in the marriage covenant where a man and woman become one flesh (Ephesians 5:31-32). God is showing us His eternal purpose in this when He established that marriage is between a man and woman who become one. Jesus is inviting the whole body of Christ to become one with Him in the same way a man and woman become one flesh in marriage. The Lord is soon coming to gather His Bride and take her to the Fathers house where He has prepared a place (John 14:1-4)-- but the vast majority of His people are not ready and are not even looking for Him. You may be "saved" but are you an overcomer? The Lord has a plan for His people, and He wants us to follow Him and His plan as outlined in scripture in order to overcome. Everyone is invited, but most do not respond to the high calling in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14). The people of God who choose the crucified life are the overcomers and they will be the wife of the Lamb. The bridegroom will not marry anyone who is not ONE with Him. Scripture teaches that Jesus is coming for a bride that has faithfully purified herself and made herself ready in order to wed Him. (Rev 19:7, 1 John 2:28, 1 John 3:2-3). He is coming for those who are looking and longing for His appearing (Hebrews 9:28). He is coming for a people who qualify (Luke 21:36, Rev 3:10). They have submitted to the Lord and are spiritually preparing not only to meet Him but to rule and reign with Him in His kingdom. He has given us everything we need if only we would submit to what has already been established in the word of God.