CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, Fourth Edition
註釋A complete, concise review of the science and clinical practice of otolaryngology --- head and neck surgery --- with a new full-color presentation

A Doody's Core Titles for 2024 & 2023!

The must-have resource for board review and recertification
  • The acclaimed one-stop clinician’s guide to treating all major diseases of the ear, nose, throat, and neck
  • Emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management
  • Conveniently organized by anatomic region
  • FOUR NEW CHAPTERS: Professional Voice Assessment and Care; Neurolaryngology; Aural Rehabilitation and Hearing Aids; and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
  • Consistent presentation includes General Considerations, Pathogenesis, Prevention, Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment
  • Must-know medical and surgical management of each disorder
  • Thorough discussion of pathophysiology and relevant basic and clinical science
  • Comprehensive radiology chapter with more than 150 images
  • “Essentials of Diagnosis” section for each disease and disorder delivers key points at a glance
  • All new full color interior design with more than 500 color illustrations
  • Valuable to otolaryngologists as well as all the medical and surgical specialties and related disciplines that treat patients with head and neck disorders
  • Strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity
  • Spans the entire breadth of ENT topics, including the latest developments in basic science, facial plastic surgery, head and neck surgery, laryngology, rhinology, pediatric otolaryngology, otology, and neurotology