"Die schönste Stadt der Welt"
deutsch-jüdische Flüchtlinge in New York
出版Klartext, 2003
註釋A history of the German Jewish immigration to New York in the 20th century. Inter alia, notes that antisemitic prejudices were held by millions of Americans during the 1930s, and the Roosevelt administration tolerated pro-Nazi and antisemitic activities. German Jewish refugees were considered enemy aliens even though they had been deprived of German citizenship. After the outbreak of the war they were subjected to the same restrictions as German Nazi adherents. Due to immigration restrictions, only 27,370 Germans were allowed to enter the USA each year during the 1930s. By June 1938, 139,163 applications had been submitted to U.S. authorities. By January 1939, after the "Kristallnacht" pogrom, the number rose to 240,748. The waiting period increased to at least three years; those who had no friends or relatives in the USA had almost no chance to get a visa. During the following years the American administration refused to increase the immigration quota.