Genealogy Software Guide
Marthe Arends
Genealogical Publishing Com
, 1998
Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry
This is a much-needed guide to genealogy software. Along with a variety of other useful features it comprises reviews of the major software programs, including commercial & shareware software as well as utilities. We are all painfully aware of the fact that genealogy software changes rapidly, & indeed over the last few years countless genealogy programs have been orphaned with outdated interfaces, inadequate features, & little or no author support, so for this reason the book concentrates solely on software that is current & is still supported by the author or publisher. In addition, new versions of existing software & frequently released updates result in a quagmire of options & choices, so a guide such as this is not only essential for the computer genealogist, it is absolutely indispensable. Bearing in mind some concerns that might be paramount to the reader, the author tackles a number of frequently asked questions before launching into her software reviews, answering such key questions as the following: Why use genealogy software? What equipment do I need? How do I choose & evaluate a program? What are the different types of software available to me? And where can I buy this software? With such questions authoritatively addressed, the author goes on to list each program's major features; but rather than a mere litany of details, functions, & common characteristics, she tries to provide a sense of what the program actually feels like, providing over eighty sample reports & screen shots of the major genealogy programs & software utilities. In this context it is important to note that only IBM compatible software is reviewed here; Macintosh & other platforms, however, are listed & briefly described.