Life on the waves as a pirate is boring and profitless for Declan. So surely taking charge by single-handedly murdering his captain could only improve the situation? Limited experience and the desire for riches mean very little when you’re faced against torrential weather, killer wildlife, starvation, monsters, the law, and that one guy who really wants to kill you for some reason.
A comedy novel written for young adults by a young adult, professionally edited and published by ... erm … a professional editing and publishing company. This isn’t just some half-hearted bit of homework left lying around by a sixth former, this is over two years in the making and is … funny … really funny! The author has abandoned thoughts of university in favour of working as a comedy writer.
If you, or the person you are thinking of buying it for, likes pirates then this is the book to get. If you aren't that fussed about pirates, then get it because it is just funny. If you like neither pirates nor comedy, then get the book because it has a nice cover.