The 97% Swing Trade


Stop Listening to Authors Who Won't Show You Proof!


Condensed stats can be found at - linkpony.com/97stats - with a link to full statistics included in Chapter 6

In this book, best-selling, no-BS, finance author Tim Morris goes over a swing trading strategy which he has coined The 97% Swing Trade. By proving the results with over 10 years of data, which include multiple corrections and the crash of 2020, Tim lays out a swing trading strategy that has a 17.50% annual return, an average trade duration of just 10 days, and a 97.71% win rate (with all statistics shown in Chapter 6).

There are no special programs, confusing algorithms, or costly subscriptions required. Everything needed to use this strategy is free on FinViz!

Here's the concept behind the trade:

► Use the free website FinViz to find the stocks which are eligible to trade (which takes less than 5 minutes).

► Put in your order and wait for it to get executed.

► Once executed, sell at the exact exit point Tim provides.

You may have read some books where you could spend hours searching for a good setup. Who wants to do that? This trade is limited to just a handful of stocks, which take all of 5 minutes to find on your computer. This is easily done on the website FinViz, which Tim of course shows you how to do in the book.

Tim includes detailed charts, trading examples, and statistics to help you understand the concepts behind the strategy. He also gives you the exact entry and exit points, and even where to set your stop loss. Meaning you know exactly where to get in and get out. No guess work! It really can't get any simpler than the strategy Tim shows you in this book!


As a complimentary bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive Tim's special report titled Crush the Market. This special report is packed with 14 incredibly beneficial tips to help you make money in the stock market! This report is not available to the general public, or anywhere else. It exists solely as a "thank you" to buyers of this book.


Sick of reading about trade ideas that don't work? Click the "Buy Now" button at the top of this page and pick up your copy of The 97% Swing Trade NOW!