Air Quality Benefits of Nighttime Construction in Texas
Mohamadreza Farzaneh
Madhusudan Venugopal
Geza Pesti
Andrew Burt
Mohammad Askariyeh
Jeffrey Adam Shelton
Sushant Sharma
Robert Huch
Tara L. Ramani
Suriyapriya Vallamsundar
Jason A. Crawford
Chaoyi Gu
Gabriel Valdez
Melisa Dayle Finley
Jeremy Don Johnson
Non-attainment Counties--technical Report
Texas A & M Transportation Institute
, 2017
The practice of performing some work zone activities at night has existed in the United States since at least the 1960s. Night work is most commonly initiated where it is impractical to close traffic lanes on certain high-volume roadways during normal daylight hours. Currently, there is no comprehensive evaluation of the changes in emissions associated with moving construction activities to the nighttime. It is commonly expected that when construction activities are shifted to the nighttime, reduced congestion levels could result in fewer wer vehicle emissions. The extent and scale of this impact has not been studied in detail. This research project investigated the air quality impacts of nighttime construction through case studies and developed a decision-support framework to help the stakeholders put the findings on air quality impacts in the larger context of other factors that are of importance when making a decision to pursue nighttime construction.