Diversity and Systematics of Seed Plants
註釋Section-I Gymnosperms 1. Evolution of Seed Habit 2. General Characters and Affinities of Gymnosperms 3. Gymnosperms: Classification and Distribution 4. Palaeobotany and Geological Time Scale 5. Fossilization and Types of Fossils 6. Pteridospermopsida: Lyginopteris, Heterangium, Glossopteris and Caytonia 7. Cycadeoidospida (Bennettiopsida) Cycadeoidales: Ptilophyllum, Williamsonia, Cycadeodia 8. Cycadales: Cycas 9. Coniferales: Pinus 10. Coniferales: Cedrus 11. Taxales: Taxus 12. Ephedrales: Ephedra 13. Gnetales: Gnetum Prof. Birbal Sahni (1891-1949): The Father of Indian Palaeobotany Objective Questions Section-II Angiosperms 1. Origin and Evolution of Angiosperms 2. Primitive Angiosperms 3. History of Taxonomy and Systems of Classification 4. Plant Identification and Taxonomic Keys 5. Taxonomic Literature 6. Plant Nomenclature 7. Herbarium Techniques 8. Modem Trends in Plant Taxonomy 9. Synopsis of Selected Families 10. Some Important Families of Dicotyledons 11. Some Important Families of Monocotyledons Objective Questions