Today, we live in a time of images, photos, and videos that we continuously show others. Why? Because we love the person pictured. Thus, if my heavenly Father left a photo of His Son Jesus and His passion whom we love, I want to know about it and show it to others.
The Shroud is one of the most scientifically investigated artifacts in the world. Numerous scientists, authors, researchers, and experts have published abundant literature. Notable figures, such as Rogers, Habermas, Jackson, Rucker, Whanger, Antonacci, Schwortz, and many more, have contributed to the ongoing dialogue. This book merges the phenomenal works of these experts with the scriptures, historical and physical evidence to create a comprehensive narrative. For example, What supernatural timing of three events confirms the exact date of Jesus' death? What prophet predicted that exact date? What ancient prophecy is only confirmed in the Shroud? How does the Shroud confirm Jesus' body left the tomb in three days? I hope to provide a deeper understanding of the Shroud by presenting a unified story incorporating all available evidence, adding power to your faith and its relevance in today's world.