Road Ramblings
A Collection of Travel Essays and Photos from Asia, Europe and North America
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017-01-10
主題Travel / General
註釋Join traveler and writer Murdock O'Mooney in adventure that spans four continents, as he considers the best way to approach international travel, expounds on what he sees, and philosophizes ideas of place and belonging. After getting his start teaching English in South Korea in 2009, Murdock realized there was a whole world to travel and explore, and that often times the best way to find ourselves, is to leave all that we know behind and head into the unknown. Road Ramblings is a honest, yet appreciative travelogue that seeks to inspire and ignite interest in international travel and consideration of life beyond the nine to five. In this collection of essays, Murdock commentates on his adventures which include seeing children drink beer in Germany, getting lost in the Czech countryside and kidnapped in Bangkok. Murdock also summits Mt. Fuji, works as a roadie in California and drives from Seattle to Albuquerque with a giant desk on the roof of his car. He's attacked by raccoons, propositioned for prostitution by tall Nigerian men in Tokyo and poisoned by bad dumplings in Hong Kong. He travels on bikes, by car, airplane, train, bus, ferry and even kayak. Through it all, Murdock attempts to share a little of what he has learned about travel and about life. If you're in the mood for a different perspective, and the feeling of being a stranger in a strange land, this book is for you.