I Am John

The Lord inspired me to bring Revelation to life in this fashion with the hope of giving readers a better understanding of what is and is to come. This is not a concoction and might be the first and only book that is dramatized this way because of the fear many have concerning what is written in Revelation 22:18""19. The enemy capitalizes on this fear because he is aware that it will prevent man from knowing the truth of the end. He knows that this will allow him to manipulate and deceive the world, and cause more people to join him in the lake of fire. But we need not fear if we are led by the Holy Ghost. So take the time to read this book today and see how God puts the events in sequence so as to reveal the truth of the end through John's eyes. I would love to hear from you. If you have a comment, an encouraging word, or would like to help me bring this gospel to the world, please email me at genrev2212@gmail.com