Organizational Design in a Complex and Unstable World
Introduction to Models and Concepts and Their Application
出版Springer Nature, 2024
註釋Zusammenfassung: Organizations of all kinds create a sense of purpose and sometimes incomparable performance that individuals cannot achieve alone. This textbook examines the developments and changes that organizations should make in order to be successful in today's complex organizational environment. The authors explain various models and concepts of organizational design, highlight the important role played by agile management and self-organization and reflect on the consequences these concepts have for practical organizational work. The necessary organizational development can only be meaningfully and successfully implemented with consideration of the existing corporate culture and knowledge of the fundamentals of knowledge management, so these are also taught in the textbook. The overarching goal of organizational design is to promote the organization's resilience to crises. After laying the foundations for this, the penultimate chapter is dedicated to the aspect of resilience, followed by an outlook for the future. The didactic structure of the textbook includes learning objectives, practical examples and case studies as well as learning comprehension questions and the opportunity to test your own knowledge with the Springer Nature Flashcards. The authors Prof. Dr. Jens O. Meissner heads the Interdisciplinary Future Lab CreaLab at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Prof. Michael Heike is Lecturer in Public Management at the Competence Center Public and Non-Profit Management at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Daniel Sigrist is organizational consultant with a focus on new organizational designs and work design