Gender and the Information Revolution in Africa
註釋Writing on the ICT challenge for Africa, Eva Rathgeber examines the current status of the telecommunications sector in the continent. She points out that although many African countries are experiencing some extension and modernization of their telecommunication networks, sub-Saharan Africa's overall teledensity is still less than 1 line per 200 people. African countries have responded to these challenges with varying results. A growing number are opening the telecommunication sector to private investors. Rathgeber focuses on the need to ensure that the future development of the telecommunications sector takes into account social issues in general and gender issues in particular. She observes that most African countries, with the notable exception of South Africa, have given little attention to formulating ICT policies to provide the sector with an overall structure for development and growth. She argues that such policies are needed to develop a well-coordinated pattern of development that has specific goals, seizes opportunities, and makes the best use of government, donor, and private sector investments.