註釋The name indicates the Scandinavian setting of this story of an American party travelling in Norway, and caught in an out-of-the-way village, and kept there by the illness of their Chaperone, Aunt Nancy, who is perhaps the most interesting and strongest of the characters. She is a New Englander of the best type-straight-forward, independent, kind-hearted and keen. The hero, Harry, is an American brought up in Europe by a worldly mother who tries to develop in him all that is unAmerican, but he inherits his father's love of the prairies, and longs to become a ranchman, and consequently breaks through his conventional training and falls in love with the peasant girl Gunhild, who has lived in Kansas and knows the prairies, and he looks forward to their perfect ranch life, and all the good they can do by elevating the life on the plains. The story has several surprises and ends in rather an unexpected way. The grandeur of the Norwegian scenery with its mountains and valleys, its rivers and fjords enhances the story and is well brought out, not forgetting the trolls and fossegrims.