At the Cutting Edge of Remote Sensing Technologies for the Rapid Assessment of Protective Effects Against Rockfall
主題Science / Environmental Science
註釋Protection forests can be severely affected by natural disturbances, whose consequences could greatly alter the fundamental ecosystem services they are providing. Assessing and monitoring the status of the protective effects, particularly within disturbed stands, is therefore of vital importance, with timing being a critical issue. Remote sensing technologies (e.g., satellite imagery, LiDAR, UAV) are widely available nowadays and can be effectively applied to quantify and monitor the protective effects of Alpine forests. This is especially important after abrupt changes in forest cover and structure following the occurrence of a disturbance event. In this contribution, we present a brief introduction on remote sensing technologies and their potential contribution to protection forest management, followed by two case studies. In particular, we focus on research areas within protection forests against rockfall affected by windthrow (i.e., the 2018 storm Vaia in the Eastern Italian Alps, where LiDAR and UAV data were used), and forest fires (i.e., the 2017 fall fires in the Western Italian Alps, involving Sentinel-2 image analyses).