Don't Be Stupid!

We cannot control a lot of things in the world. The only thing we can control is what we decide to do.

Have you ever felt like you made a bad decision?

Have you ever felt like you could make better decisions?

Have you made decisions that altered the course of your life in a direction you did not intend on going?

Have you made decisions that made you slap your forehead and yell, Duh?

Do you want to improve your world and live with less stress?

By using the Four Rules, you can take control of your choices and the decision-making process that directs your life.

We can change the world, but change has to start somewhere. Lets start with us. Me First!

Gary Jones is not an ivory tower academic, a Harvard MBA, a television evangelist, or a political consultant. He is a simple man with a simple message: four rules to change your decision-making life. We all have some type of psychological system to make decisionsGarys system works!

Mike Bishop, PhD., professor of marriage and family therapy, Capella University