註釋id est: neo scribalist asemic expressionism is a hand painted (with gouache and watercolor pencils) abstract illuminated manuscript. It utilizes asemic writing to tell the story of my spiritual journey and final arrival into Agnostic Pantheism. The calligraphy in the book is rough and designed to be neo-expressive rather than technically perfect. The title id est means "that is" in Latin and is an homage to past and future scribes. I learned some Latin years ago to help me quit smoking cigarettes; every time I felt the urge to smoke, I would pull out my Latin dictionary and learn a few words till the craving subsided.There are no words in id est, instead the book is filled with asemic calligraphy, mysterious figures, and abstract symbols. The book is meant to be read as a meditation even though most of the art is hectic, noisy, and urban. My intention was to take and modernize and revive the role of the scribe and demonstrates a new mode of contemporary free expression. The release of id est coincides with my 50th revolution around the Sun and is presented to the reader as a ticket to the universe and as a document of my spiritual quest.