註釋Disagree with the government? Low social credit score? They might send you to Psycho Island.

The American dream is a mirage. The gap between the haves and the have-nots is wider than ever before. The haves live a life of opulence, with robotic domestics and self-driving vehicles. The have-nots struggle to survive, their jobs long since replaced by automation, with only Universal Basic Income standing between them and starvation.

Crime is nearly nonexistent, thanks to the surveillance state and the test. Ubiquitous cameras and facial recognition software deter and detect would-be criminals, and the test identifies psychopaths with 99.59% accuracy. Citizens who test positive receive a one-way ticket to US Penal Colony East. The have-nots call it Psycho Island.

In 2050, people struggle for their piece of a shrinking pie. Derek Reeves is one of those people, a small farmer, his business hanging by a thread. His wife, Rebecca, dreams of the finer things in life. Jacob Roth, CEO and member of the most powerful banking family in the world, sweeps Rebecca off her feet and gives her the lifestyle she craves.

Summer Fitzgerald's pregnant. Like all prospective parents, she wants a designer baby. These children vastly outperform natural-born children. Unfortunately, her nurse's salary and her fiancé's low-level tech job don't pay enough to give their little bundle of joy the must-have advantage in the new economy.

Naomi Sutton is a congresswoman with her eye on the White House. Unwilling to take campaign donations with strings, she lacks the budget or the connections for a serious run at the presidency. In a town of sharks, she's the only one who truly cares about the people. Will she compromise her ideals to sit on the throne of power? Will she make good on her promise to close Psycho Island?

In 2050, the seeds of discontent are growing. The elites will stop at nothing to maintain their dominance. But the people are awakening to the rigged game. And they're very, very angry.

Buy this twisty page turner before it's banned by the powers that be.
A 2021 Finalist National Indie Excellence Award
Adult language and sexual content.

"This is a must read and so plausible. One of the best books I have read in years." - Mark ★★★★★

"Phil Williams has another hit in my opinion. Psycho Island is a beautiful piece of fiction ..." - AZ Golfer ★★★★★

"Awesome book you will want to read in one sitting. Very well written, excellent character development and a fascinating storyline that feels like a true and terrifying glimpse of our future. I was hooked from the first chapter and hated every time I had to stop reading." - Rachael M. ★★★★★

"A great read - it's so relevant to things that are happening in our society today, and every detail so well thought out, that I just could not put this book down! I can't wait for the next book to come out!!!" - Shari T. ★★★★★

"What a wonderfully written story of a possible look into the future. Author Phil Williams knows how to write a book that is for SURE! Captures your heart and senses, and never let's go. Such real lifelike characters and I fell in love with them right from the start." - Suzanne ★★★★★