He Said, She Said, I Said
註釋This book breaks down possible perceptions and misconceptions in seven key relationship areas: communication, trust, forgiveness, intimacy, acceptance, friendship, and love, by using common sense, wisdom, and some professional advice to open up the possibility for a different approach. When it comes to relationships, couples often run into similar challenges. Do any of these sound familiar to you? She Said: I want to talk with him about issues like the kids, his mother, and the frustration I feel about balancing my career with being a good mom. But every time i try to bring up these subjects, he either closes down or gets angry. I don't want him to fix the problems, I just want to be able to talk with him about our lives. He Said: I stopped feeling connected in my marriage many years ago, but I just don't trust myself to make the right decision about staying or leaving, so I just stay stuck. When a couple is engaged in the dance of relationship, it can sometimes be hard to recognize where they might be caught in the trap of what they think is happening instead of stepping out of that mire to find out what is really going on. Often the way one or both people are viewing the situation is at the core of the relationship issue. If any of the above challenges sound familiar, this book is for you!