註釋The sudden emergence of the so-called Islamic State (generally referred to as the ISIS) in territories of Iraq and Syria in 2014, shocked the world with its gruesome acts of extreme violence and brutality, its blow to the Westphalian system of the nation state and its messianic drive to instigate a global war of apocalyptic proportions. With more wealth and fighters than Al-Qaeda, the ISIS has stolen the thunder from every other Islamist and Jihadist outfit by declaring the territory under its control as the Caliphate (which has always been the ultimate Islamist utopia). Various international organizations, government agencies and media outlets remain baffled to this day over the genesis, modus operandi, warfare and global outreach behind the ISIS’ spectacular success. This book seeks to investigate and explore most of these questions and also recommends ways in countering the ISIS threat both ideologically and militarily.