The Truth About Winning at Work (Collection)

A brand new collection of management and leadership skills for improving business performance

4 authoritative books deliver world-class skills for leading change and improving performance throughout your team and organization!

You’re facing greater challenges than ever before – both outside your organization, and inside it. To win, you need today’s best skills for improving performance and driving change. Now, this 4-book collection presents hundreds of those skills simply, clearly, and quickly, to support action. In The Truth About Managing People, Third Edition bestselling author Stephen Robbins shares 61 proven principles and solutions for make-or-break, day-to-day management problems. Overcome the true obstacles to teamwork… avoid both over- and under-communication… improve hiring and employee evaluations… manage a culturally/generationally diverse or virtual workforces… combine stronger ethics and greater effectiveness… and much more. Next, in The Truth About Getting the Best From People, Second Edition, Martha Finney shares 60+ proven principles for gaining unprecedented employee engagement. This new edition features 15 new truths for managing virtual teams, overcoming your unconscious biases, managing multiple generations, identifying/cultivating individual high performers, and more. Next, persuade others in any environment with The Truth About Confident Presenting, by James O’Rourke. O’Rourke reveals 51 proven, concise, easy-to-use presenting techniques that work: all you need to know to prepare effectively (not obsessively), manage anxiety, connect with any audience, and succeed. Discover what makes people listen, and what instantly turns them off… how to muster evidence that’ll convince your specific audience… how to listen, establish a great first impression, and make nonverbal cues work for you… use PowerPoint and microphones well… handle hostile questions confidently; and much more. Finally, turn to William S. Kane’s The Truth About Thriving in Change for 49 proven ways to do what everyone wants, and few can deliver: lead successful change. Plan, drive, and sustain positive change that matters… transform organizations without destroying morale… objectively assess whether yours is really the best way… develop the change management skills you need most… know when to persuade, educate, or “use force”… create the right cultural framework you need to keep moving forward. These four eBooks aren’t “just someone’s opinion”: they offer definitive, evidence-based principles for improving performance throughout your entire leadership career!

From world-renowned workplace effectiveness experts Stephen P. Robbins, Martha I. Finney, James O’Rourke, and William S. Kane