What is Scientology?

It's in the news. It's talked about on radio and TV. It's growing at an incredible rate. And it's got the answers.

What Is Scientology?

Find out in the book:

* How Scientology helps people in the here and now.

* What the State of Clear is and what it means to you.

* What Total Freedom means and how Scientologists achieve it.

* Why Scientologists believe they have lived before.

* What the E-Meter is and how it works.

* Who L. Ron Hubbard is and why Scientologists consider him their best friend.

* Why Scientology is not only a religion, but a religion for people of all religions.

* What kind of people are Scientologists?

* How Scientology began.

* What Scientology auditing is and the miracles it achieves.

* Who has been attacking Scientology and exactly why.