Team Trump and the Evangelical White House

In Team Trump and the Evangelical White House, the author paints perhaps a different picture of Donald J. Trump than you will find in the mainstream media. With so many Trump-Thumping articles, opinion pieces, and news stories doing the rounds today, it is refreshing, therefore, to get a glimpse into a different side of the Trump White House. Surprisingly, the author shows a faith-friendly president, whose relationship with evangelicals goes back nearly two decades.

As the author proposes throughout--Trump's Team has energized evangelical Christians--in a way, not seen for a long time. Some even hark back in their comparisons of the current White House to the Reagan-era. This was when the well-known Moral Majority backed a former-Hollywood actor launching Ronald Reagan into the fortieth presidency.

The book begins by exploring why picking V P Pence made sense in bringing evangelicals on board with the Trump agenda. You'll also see how the White House welcome mat is once again out for evangelicals as the front door is always open to people of faith. Prayer Force One will give you a glimpse; perhaps of a side of Donald Trump, you may not have seen as he prays with faith leaders. These fifteen chapters will look at how the White House was won, and may yet be won again with evangelical support in 2020.