Three Suns

 Earth is gone and all that remains are the three suns. Pya, the red sun. Padrieg, the purple sun. Parlan, the blue sun. For Ostana Shaye, Padrieg has always been a peaceful and perfect place to live. That is until Eikko Kangho crashes into her military aircraft and creates an entirely different outlook into how she's living life. Unfortunately for the two of them, they're faced with obstacles and challenges as well as a common enemy that wants to see Eikko die ten times over. While trying to find a way to send Eikko back to Parlan, Ostana must risk her rank in the military as well as play detective on just who wants Eikko dead. Secretes will be revealed, feelings will be challenged and the thin thread of trust that holds these two together will be tested in more ways than one in Three Suns, the Padrieg Series.