Identifying the Urban Poor in Brazil
註釋This paper investigates the degree to which the use of a single urban poverty threshold in Brazil leads to biased project identification, design, and evaluation. Analysis of the causes of proverty is beyond its scope. Absolute poverty lines are defined through the use of estimates of expenditures for mimimum cost, nutritionally adequate diets and food shares of total expenditures by families with incomes roughly equivalent to the Bank's relative poverty standard of three minimum salaries. The main findings are: (i) interpretation of data expressed in minimum salary units presents several difficulties; (ii) relative prices of each element of the food basket were not stable, but of a staple portion of five items were stable; (iii) the average per capita cost of the food basket was highest in the poorer regions; (iv) converting the national poverty line expressed in cruzeiros to minimum salaries expressed in regional values would decrease the risks of bias in urban project design and appraisal; and (v) the methodology presented could be reproduced in other middle-income countries.