Dawn of Darkness
註釋This is the story you never heard in your Sunday school class! The ancient demon Prince Dagon plots his revenge against all the creatures of El. King Solomon has no idea of the treachery brewing on the outskirts of Israel. As hundreds of people die and rumors of dragon-like creatures spread, Solomon must first look to the interests of his prized warrior and childhood friend Abaddon. Unaware that he might need him for the biggest battles Israel has ever faced, and much to the detriment of Rachel, a sister-like servant who grew up in the palace, Solomon sends Abaddon away, which leaves Shammah, Dan, and Broc to fight alone. Another battle for the soul of Abishai ensues. Lulled in by the promise of revenge and great power, Abishai finds himself transformed and unrecognizable. A great chess match has begun, and all are pawns in a much grander plan. The fate of the world is at stake! As it has been since the beginning of time, good battles evil in the souls of warriors, in the hearts of nobility, in the dreams of lovers, and in the secret places of on high. Nothing happens without a reason.