Razlike med spoloma pri poskusih samomora v ljubljanski regiji
註釋Suicide has been a common phenomenon in Slovenia for decades. At least 600 Slovenian commit suicide each year. Suicide rate of 30 per 100,000 is traditionally near the top of the European suicide statistics. Previous suicide attempt is an important suicide risk factor. Reporting of suicide attempts is not compulsory and therefore the exact number of suicide attempts is not known. In Slovenia at least three times more men than women commit suicide. On the other hand around three times more women than men attempt suicide. This phenomenon was defined by foreign suicide researchers as a gender paradox in suicidal behavior. The aim of my study was to find gender differences in suicide attempt characteristics and psychosocial characteristics of Slovene men and women that attempted suicide. I tried to define the risk factors that increase the risk that a person, especially a man, fattaly attempts suicide. The study included 73 people (28 men and 45 women) from Ljubljana region who were hospitalized after suicide attempt for at least 24 hours in either Ljubljana Clinical Center or Psychiatric Hospital. A criterion for suicide attempt diagnosis was the definition of a suicide attempt according to the International Classification of Diseases - Tenth Revision. Data were gethered with the European Parasuicide Study Interview Schedule (EPSIS). EPSIS is a structured group of psychosocial questionnaires with a short medical questionnaire. EPSIS was prepared for use in the Parasuicide Repetition Prediction Study of the World Health Organization. My work was part of this study. I gathered medical data with a clinical interview, from the psychiatrist treating the patient, and from the hospital medical files. Psychiatrist treating the patient determined the patientćs psychiatric diagnosis. Data were analyzed with the statistical program SPSS. Statistical tests t-test and chi-square were used to evaluate the statistical differences. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).