Jazz Prelims
註釋(Educational Piano Library). Bill Boyd works his usual magic with these simple, yet truly jazzy little solos for the young beginner. Each piece has a catchy title and "feels good" to play. The jazz flavor Bill creates in each solo is a classic hallmark of his creative genius easy-to-play pieces that give beginning performers a real taste of jazz style and flair. Various meters, tempos; C Major; alternating hands melodies; fixed position; Reading range: middle of the keyboard range; Treble and bass staff lines and spaces; 12 pieces: Bass Guitar Blues * Bass Guitar Rock * Blues Parade * Follow The Leader * Imitation * Jazz Time * Love Theme For A TV Series * A Minor Effort * Smooth Groove * Take A Rest * Tick Tock The Jazz Clock * Triple Play. Perf. Time: less than 1 minute for each solo.