註釋Grab the Skills for Success, Get Real World Insights

Do you got what it takes when it comes down to success? Do you possess the critical skills for success? How do you act in tough situations and do you call the “zone” your home? Apollon will not only teach you the Skills for Success – but also deliver on rare insights into the business experiences of top level leaders.

Apollon: Crush. Conquer. Dominate. What it is and what it does for you:

Apollon is an Ebook: Get an insight view into the skills to success. Easy, fast and comprehensive: Apollon is geared towards delivering you the results. With over 60% colored illustrations the book aims to give you the skills and insights as simple and effective as possible. You will not only learn on

  • Courage, Commitment, Initiative
  • Responsibility, Determination, Persistence
  • and the Laws of Leadership and Management

Gain valuable top-class insights from world leading entrepreneurs, celebrities and businessmen on the topics of

  • Success Basics & Success Statistics, Long Term Growth & Short Term Results
  • People Management, Human Psychology, Social Behavior and Group Dynamics
  • Self-Reliance, Key-Figures and “why it’s all worth it”.

Apollon teaches you neither Book-Smart nor Street-Smart skills, – but solid skills that developed over years of dedication in the field of success, leadership and management. Applying its knowledge will you enable to

  • Crush any competition in personal or professional life
  • Conquer any skill, field, business or personal relationship
  • Dominate in any give situation clearly and effortless

Social insights explain why there are 2 group leaders – and which one you should better aim to become to lead effortless and with integrity. Business insights lead you all the way to what really counts: Managing risk, taking steps forward, employing people. Checking on results, proper escalation and constant growth.


The skills to success: Dedication and the will to succeed let alone are not enough. As many have said before, you got to have passion. Why is that? Cause there will definitely come setbacks, obstacles and hurdles. People tend to give up when there is too much frustration. To endure, you got to find your love, your passion and then monetize it. Apollon will teach you how to spot financial and business opportunities and how to cash-in on them. To get ahead you will learn that you will need to employ people – only a team player can win. Team skills are crucial and money alone does not bring great teamwork. Apollon will show you how great CEO’s , Fortune 500 leaders and the history’s most famous accomplished to get their personnel on track:

  • Team Building – What’s effective, what gets results and how to mold them into one productive unit
  • Team Motivation – How to get your people working enthusiastically for you
  • Leadership Skills – The social skills, insights and understandings you need to develop
  • Group Dynamics – Our underlying animal hierarchy determines who gets authentic respect and appreciation: Get an fast, easy and effective inside view on the actions you got to take to be accepted as “the Boss” not only on the formal level.

The detailed insights every leader needs to know on money, power, power games and the social interactions that run not only in front of him- but especially behind his back. Understand how human sexuality drives irrational decisions, how small things in everyday interactions can make the difference by growing exponentially fast into either profitable opportunities or raging bush-fires. And have you ever wondered why those that seem to have it all appear to have made it super-easy overnight? Get the insight look on how things really are behind the curtain.

  • Why most people never heard of the concept of Asymmetric Information – how bigger corporations use it to boost their profits in close to shameless ways and howYOU can use it to your advantage in negotiations, agreements and situations that count.
  • What Applied Game Theory can do for you in real life – Get a quick & easy insight on the advantages mathematics can provide you for judging everyday situations on their profitability.
  • Get the Key to Body Language for High Social Status. It runs below every humans conscious radar – and allows you to sneak attack into every mind.

Apollon will arm you with a concentration of useful knowledge, secret insights and valuable information. A collection of high class material, powerful psychological tricks and deep human wisdom that is not comparably available anywhere else.

Table of Contents

I. Success Generation

A scientific overview on how success is created, amplified and automated. The Skills for Success in Business, Personal and Professional Life.  Bullet Proof  and reliable insight into how to succeed in any field and under any circumstance.

  • The Physics of “Momentum”
  • Generate a Vortex of Success: The Physics of Upwards & Downwards-Spirals
  • Understand your Smart Feedback loop with the Universe
  • Skills for Success, Leadership, Management and Business

II. Sexual Domination

A scientific overview and on social and sexual dynamics. The Skills for Success that give you the edge in every social interaction. Approved by Top Business Executives and reliable in practice.

  • The pervading social superstructure that rules animal and human behavior alike
  • The Universal Shortcuts that communicates empathy, leadership and competence in any interaction
  • Secret Keys to Body Language and Perceived Hierarchy
  • Team Leading, Team Building and underlying group psychology

Apollon™ covers in-depth the fundamentals of success and sexuality. It leads to a perfectly focused system of sexual domination which reinforces the outlined achievement strategy’s. Its strong structural foundation is tailored for maximum performance and build upon excellent time-proven resources. Apollon concentrates the lifetime insights of the world leading entrepreneurs. Refined to deliver top notch insightsnot only in business and personal life, Apollon aims to immerse the reader into the clandestine secrets of a successful business, a fulfilled life and knowledge the rich and wealthy only share behind doors.

  1. Skills to Success: What it takes for good leadership; The Statistics and Physics behind results and no-results
  2. Secrets to Social Interaction: Get these basics right and you are in the top 10%
  3. Priceless Business Insights: The most valuable experiences from Top Level Executives, Leaders and Managers