Managing Multiple Accountabilities
Street-level MOM Bureaucrats & Domestic Worker Cases
出版Singapore Management University, 2018
註釋"In studying officials in China, Tsai posed a puzzle: why would government officials in authoritarian systems, where formal institutions of accountability are weak, ever provide more than the minimum level of public goods needed to maintain social stability? Emerging research highlighted how actors in non-democracies create informal accountability through interactions with bureaucrats and policymakers. In Singapore, civil society organization (CSO) efforts play a big part in demanding accountability on behalf of migrant workers. To contribute to this area of research, I thus answer the question: how do CSOs create informal accountability mechanisms to shape how street-level MOM bureaucrats implement migrant domestic worker (MDW) policy in Singapore? Through a case study of HOME, a Singapore-based CSO that provides crisis intervention for MDWs, I found that in the absence of formal means to hold street-level bureaucrats accountable to MDW interests, CSO actors create accountability mechanisms through informal means. These include empathetic appeals, rational appeals, relational appeals, or connections with superior officers. My findings also suggest that these informal accountability mechanisms have the potential to be more effective than individual efforts or hierarchical accountability alone. I thus submit CSOs can and do play an important role in authoritarian systems, and that future research on civil society in authoritarian states is needed" -- Abstract.