

1. N. Zaev_e and I. Kostovie

Development of the Human Cerebellar Cortex: Change in Cholinesterase

Activity Durinq, Prenatal Period — — — — 1

2. CH. E,Ain and Antonia Vernadakis

Cell-Cell Interactions Influencing Growth of Primary Glial Cells

in Culture 9

3. F. VWello, P. Corsi, G. Gernnarini, R. Pavia and C. Di Benedetta

Brain-Specific Macromolecules as a Tool in Developmental Neurobiology

— — 27

4. Milica Levental, Alirjana Rusie and Lj. Rakie

Myelin Associated Na, K-Adenozin Triphosphatase: A Developmental

Distribution in the Subfracticns of the Brain Myelin — — — 43

5. Mirjana Rusie-Stojiljkovie, 1VIilica Levental and Lj. Rakia

Effect, of Triethyllead on Acid Mucopolysiaccharides in Rat Brain 51

6. R. MileusniO, S. Kanazir and Lj. Rakie

Cortisol Effect on Brain Tubulin and Actin Synthesis — 61

7. G. A. Buzn:kov, B. N. Lj. M. Rakie, T. M. Turpaev

BloL,enic Monoamines in Phylogenesis and Ontogenesis 69

8. M. J. Mossakow_ki, Barbara Kw atkowska-Patzer

EffeA of Indomethacin on the Morphology of the Brain Vascular

Network in the Postischemic Period E3

9. W. Paschen, G. Mies, H. Boma and K. A. Hossmann

Assessment of Re7qonal Hemodynamic and Biochemical Alteration,s

in Experimental Stroke of Gerbils — — — — — — 93

10. Hanna M. Pappius, Ph. D.

Uncoupling of Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebral Metabolism in

Traumatized Rat Brain and as a Result Indomethacin Treatment 105

11. G. Mchedlishvili and Nina Kuridze

Structural Units of Pial Arterial Bed Providing Regulation and

Compensation for Disturbances, of Blood Supply to Smallest Areas

of Cerebral Cortex 115

12. K. G. Go, H. J. Houthoff

Ultrastructural Basis for the Passage of Proteins Through the

Blood-Brain Barrier — — — 125

13. A. McCalden, R. G. Nath and K. Thiele

The Role of Prostacyclin in the Hypercapnic and Hypoxic Cerebrovascular

DilatIons — — — — — — — — — — 133

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