The Xenophobe's Guide to the Greeks

I am what I am

Individuality is the chief feature that characterizes the Greeks--which precludes any attempt to box and label them as a people. They exhibit an extreme passion for freedom of choice--which has turned law circumvention into an art and has made them incapable of comprehending words like "discipline,” "co-ordination,” or "system.”

There's no such thing as a meek Greek

A Greek cannot talk unless he has his hands free, and a soft-spoken Greek is one who can be heard only as far as across the street. Two Greeks having an amiable conversation sound as if they are ready to murder each other, and a party of exuberant Greeks having a good time could be described as a pack of hounds that has just sighted the fox.

Free spirits

Mercurial in the extreme, the Greeks' temperament flourishes uninhibited throughout their waking hours. This is probably why the ancient sages saw fit to carve their maxims "Nothing in excess” and "Know thyself” on the portals of the Delphic Oracle, in an attempt to persuade their fellow Greeks to curb their emotions. They were not heeded then any more than they are now.

How much does a Greek urn?

In general, Greeks believe in free trade, fair dealing, and keeping one's word. They are quick at grasping (and inventing) complicated business and financial arrangements and they are past masters in acting as middlemen--which means that they are paid by both parties while risking nothing themselves.