Lev Gunin. In Memoriam of my Brother. Vitaly Gunin. Diary.

  A story on a tragic fate of an artist, thinker and author, Vitaly Gunin, whose works and whose visionary gift have predicted the future, warning about the irreversible consequences of the destruction of our world.

    Vitaly Gunin (1964-1990) - artist and carver, designer and businessman, poet, visionary, the host of musical programs and professional expert on music, impresario, chairman of the first in Bobruisk (and, probably, in Belarus) versatile cooperative LiK - has lived less then full 26 years, but has achieved during his short life more than others, who went for eternal rest in very old age.                 

    The Messenger of Light, and the most wonderful person in my life, he was killed by the System and by the perversity of its representatives (symbolically - by the Evil Forces), and his demise has opened the first page of the beginning of universal Apocalypse. His tragedy and death: it is a cosmic accident of grand scale, and it is not casual that inexplicable, frightening phenomenon were associated with his last days, and first days right after his death.

    The climate catastrophe and the pollution of the vital environment, which is carrying genetic mutations; the dangers connected with inhuman technologies and AI; and other threats to the very existence of the human race: are the actions of the same forces and human monsters that killed my brother.

    Vitaly's posthumous tragedy is that his artworks - painting (see the 2nd volume: pictures oil), graphics (3rd volume), woodcarving (4th volume), design and design-architectural works (5th volume), posters and so forth, - remained unclaimed, and become dusty in suitcases and bags, decaying from time. His stories, verses; his horrible and tragic Diary: are not published. Memory of him, the person who did so much for his hometown (Bobruisk): erased from city’s history. About the all-Union rock festival organized by it(him), about premieres of the well-known films, concerts of known stars it is not mentioned anywhere. And even its(his) grave on the Bobruisk cemetery has grown with bushes and a grass, thrown and lonely....