註釋TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE GENERAL INTRODUCTION PREAMBLE PART 3. PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES 11Introduction 13Chapter I: Definitions Principle 3:1 Concept of parental responsibilities. Principle 3:2 Holder of parental responsibilities Chapter II: Rights of the child 34Principle 3:3 Best interests of the child Principle 3:4 Autonomy of the child Principle 3:5 Non-discrimination of the child Principle 3:6 Child's right to be heard. Principle 3:7 Conflict of interests Chapter III: Parental responsibilities of parents and third persons Principle 3:8 Parents.Principle 3:9 Third persons Principle 3:10 Effect of dissolution and separation Chapter IV: Exercise of parental responsibilities Section A: Parents Principle 3:11 Joint exercise Principle 3:12 Daily matters, important and urgent decisions Principle 3:13 Agreement on exercise Principle 3:14 Disagreement on exercise Principle 3:15 Sole exercise upon agreement or decision Principle 3:16 Exercise by one parent. Section B: Third persons Principle 3:17 Exercise in addition to or instead of the parents Principle 3:18 Decisions in daily matters Chapter V: Content of parental responsibilities Section A: The child's person and property Principle 3:19 Care, protection and education Principle 3:20 Residence.Principle 3:21 Relocation Principle 3:22 Administration of the child's property Principle 3:23 Restrictions Principle 3:24 Legal representation Section B: Maintenance of personal relationships Principle 3:25 Contact with parents and other persons Principle 3:26 Content of contact. Principle 3:27 Agreement Principle 3:28 Restrictions.Principle 3:29 Information to parents Chapter VI: Termination of parental responsibilities. Principle 3:30 Termination. Principle 3:31 Death of the parents Chapter VII: Discharge and restoration of parental responsibilities. Principle 3:32 Discharge of parental responsibilities. Principle 3:33 Request for discharge of parental responsibilities Principle 3:34 Restoration of parental responsibilities Chapter VIII: Procedure Principle 3:35 Competent authority Principle 3:36 Alternative dispute resolution Principle 3:37 Hearing of the child Principle 3:38 Appointment of a special representative for the child Principle 3:39 Enforcement. APPENDICESInternational and European Instruments in the Field of Parental Responsibilities Principles of European Family Law Regarding Parental Responsibilities. Principes de droit européen de la famille concernant la responsabilité parentale Prinzipien zum Europäischen Familienrecht betreffend elterliche Verantwortung. Beginselen van Europees familierecht betreffende ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid Principios de derecho europeo de familia relativos a la responsabilidad parental Europeiska familjerättsprinciper rörande föräldraansvar.