Despite spectacular advances in medical sciences, navigating the road-trip of life and surmounting the inevitable health bumps that come during the journey, is increasingly becoming an intelligent individual’s do-it-alone venture. This book is a travelogue touching a wide range of health topics: from how to use the internet wisely, make your home medical kit, adopt lifestyle and food choices based on evidence, our habits and health indicators that need a watch, our gut health and stress levels, spot the dark corner of our mind, and many more. It acquaints the reader with common health challenges such as digestive and liver ailments, problems of the heart, diabetes, sleep disorders and cancers, drawing from anecdotes, real life stories and from world of news. It describes some boundaries that modern medicine is trying to explore that challenge our attitudes. And finally presents to you the human animal in a white coat called ‘doctor’.
This book, grounded in science, is a chatty read on health issues, with insights and anecdotes, spiced with empathy and a dash of philosophy.