Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine and Oxford Assess and Progress: Emergency Medicine Pack
Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Forensic Physician Jonathan P Wyatt
Jonathan P. Wyatt
Pawan Gupta
Colin A. Graham
Robin N. Illingworth
Michael J. Clancy
Colin E. Robertson
David Sales
Kathy Boursicot
Oxford University Press
, 2013-01-22
Medical / Emergency Medicine
Medical / Test Preparation & Review
This pack brings together two essential texts in emergency medicine, covering all the core topics for a value-for-money price.
Fully revised and updated, the Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine is the definitive, best-selling guide for all of the common conditions that present to the emergency department. Whether you work in emergency medicine, or just want to be prepared, this book will be your essential guide.
Following the latest clinical guidelines and evidence, written and reviewed by experts, this handbook will ensure you are up-to-date and have the confidence to deal with all emergency presentations, practices, and procedures. The book includes new sections specifically outlining patient advice and information, as well as new and revised vital information on paediatrics and psychiatry.
Accompanying this rapid-reference handbook is Oxford Assess and Progress: Emergency Medicine, a unique revision resource and companion to the handbook. Oxford Assess and Progress: Emergency Medicine contains over 250 Single Best Answer and Extended Matching Questions and is fully cross-referenced to the handbook. Each question is rated by difficulty and supported by extensive feedback on the answer, helping you to track your progress and consolidate your understanding.