From Childless by Choice to Mother
Performative and Subversive Negotiations of Face in Relational Communication about (never) Having Children
出版University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
註釋Situated within the critical poststructural paradigm, I employed the method of discourse tracing to interrogate power in the transformation of discourse over time. I analyzed in-depth interviews with 32 mothers who once told others they never wanted to have children about their conversations concerning childbearing choice/status. I examined four facets of these women's lived experiences by (a) developing three intersecting "transformational types" to describe how voluntarily childless women come to be mothers, (b) investigating how participants enacted silence and voice to negotiate the "sincerely childfree" face and the "good (future) mother" face, (c) exploring how participants' parents' pronatalist face threats or antinatalist face support constructed the never-mother/(future- )mother binary, and (d) examining how participants sometimes agentically transformed pronatalist face threats into neutral-natalist subversive facework. I offer theoretical and practical implications at the end of each results chapter, as well as a final overarching discussion chapter. I discuss how these mother's negotiations of face were not only informed by relations of power, but also contributed to and sometimes resisted naturalized knowledges about womanhood and motherhood.