註釋This report makes a series of recommendations which together constitute an action plan for the delivery of health services in Saskatchewan, a plan that will ensure that medicare is preserved and improved. The first two chapters focus on organization & management of health services delivery: an integrated system for delivery of primary health services and for location & delivery of specialized services. Chapter 3 recommends continuation of public health, health promotion, and disease & injury prevention strategies, plus the development of regular reports on health goals and other matters. Chapter 4 covers the use of indicators and the creation of a quality council to ensure accountability & quality in the health system. Chapter 5 deals with governance, accountability, health human resources, education & research, and information technology. The final chapter addresses issues related to funding & investment in the health sector and comments on the broader social context required to sustain the health system. Appendices include a summary of recommendations made in the report, supplementary information on health policy options, and a review of public consultations on medicare in Saskatchewan.