
This story begins in the middle of a white winter where Giovanna - a six-year-old girl dressed in rags - stares out into the cold, dreaming of nothing but a warm bowl of milk to fulfil her complaining belly. From then on she embarks on a mischievous journey lighting up the pages with her wild antics, from scheming her next meal to later choosing and taking control of her destiny.

Set in a poverty stricken village in the south of Italy just after the Second World War, the story of Giovanna explores the exquisite imagination and undying rebellion of a young girl trying to make sense of a world that formidably crashes around her; sending her to a place no child should ever experience. From cruel and unbearable abuse to the ignorant crime of child slavery, this tender true story explores the power of the human spirit and one little girl's fight against such mammoth odds.

Giovanna - The Trouble with Innocence is a hilarious, romantic and heart-warming story of one individual trying desperately to do something more with the life she was given. Escaping her captive environment, this unassuming child soon learns to fend for herself on the golden streets of Rome where she discovers endless opportunities.

Through instincts and a tremendous will to succeed Giovanna follows her heart halfway around the globe where she meets forbidden love, loss and a chance at complete happiness.

Instilled with the ever-present theme of overcoming any obstacle that dares stand in the way, the story of Giovanna is an inspiring account of one girl's belief in freedom.