Foi et culture en Irak au XIe siècle
註釋"The eleventh century was a moment of great intellectual ferment for Muslims and Christians alike. In that ferment stood Elias, the Bishop of Nisibis (975-1046 AD), a key figure in Syrian Christianity's dialogue with Islam. Foi et culture brings together eleven papers published between 1975 and 1988 on the life, works, and theology of Elias of Nisibis. The main highlight of this collection is the critical editions, annotated and translated into French, of the First and the Seventh Discussions of Kitab almajalis, Elias' record of his debate with a local Muslim vizier. Also included is an anonymous treatise (Kitab al-kamal) bearing Elias' influence and that of his contemporary, Abu al-Faraj Abd Allah b. al-Tayyib (d. 1043). This treatise not only served for generations as a valuable religious source, but happens to be the first recorded Arabic text produced by the Maronite Church and is a testimony to the Nestorians' importance to local Christian tradition. Learned in medicine, mathematics, philology, theology, and philosophy, Elias of Nisibis has been acclaimed especially for his spirited theological defence of the faith against his sceptical but intellectually charitable Muslim interlocutor, the vizier Abu al-Qasim b. al-Husayn al-Maghribi (b. 981).(1) Abu al-Qasim's deep revulsion for all forms of shirk, or polytheism, thrust him into a series of debates with his friend Elias, who hoped to dispel the Muslim suspicion that, because of their doctrine of trinity, Christians were really no different from the polytheists. Elias advanced the bold thesis that Christian doctrine (notably, the Melkite, Nestorian, and Jacobite credos(2)) agreed with the highest Islamic orthodoxy on God and His blessed names. To prove his point, he cited men of unimpeachable authority in the kalam tradition, invoking Baqillani(3) words to the effect that the Christian."--https://search.proquest.com/openview/9fe1ff47d480a22df5ea5edd4aed0e02/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=25886 (viewed October 11, 2018).