Fairness at Work
Commission on the Review of Federal Labour Standards (Canada).
Harry William Arthurs
Federal Labour Standards for the 21st Century
Federal Labour Standards Review
, 2006
Business & Economics / Human Resources & Personnel Management
Business & Economics / Labor / Wages & Compensation
Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice
Law / Labor & Employment
Political Science / Labor & Industrial Relations
He is an Officer of the Order of Canada, a member of the Order of Ontario and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the British Academy. [...] I hope and believe that this report will assist you and your colleagues to modernize Part III of the Canada Labour Code, to address some of the difficult issues confronting workers and employers in the federal domain and to ensure that the Labour Program, custodian of Part III, is able to contribute to broader public policy discussions which touch on the matters under review. [...] Part III and human rights • In order to ensure full implementation of both human rights and labour standards, and to make the best use of available resources, the Labour Program and the Canadian Human Rights Commission xii should enter into formal cooperation agreements in order to avoid conflicts and overlaps between the two regimes. [...] And not a few depend ultimately on the willingness of all of us to rethink our attitudes to work, to personal relationships and to what it means to be individual and corpo- rate citizens of a community that is committed to fairness and decency. [...] Accordingly, factory and mine "inspectors" were given the power to enter premises, to require the pro- duction of records, to compel the adoption of safe equipment and detailed working rules, to determine whether violations had occurred, to make remedial and stop-work orders, to impose fines, and to conduct prosecutions of serious offences.