Contract for sale of land by Henri Hiché and his wife, Marguerite le Gardeur, to the Augustine Sisters of the Hôpital general de Québec
註釋Contract, dated August 23, 1727 in Québec, for sale of property in Quebec known as Grand and Petit Kamouraska by Henri Hiché, states attorney for the king, and his wife, the former Marguerite le Gardeur de Saint-Pierre, to the sisters of the Order of St. Augustine of the Hôpital général de Québec for 3000 livres. Hiché and his wife purchased the land on Sept. 15, 1723 for 5000 livres from M. et Mme. Durantaye, who, according to the terms of the contract, continued to live on the property at an annual rent of 250 livres. At the present time, they owe Hiché 1000 livres in back rent, a debt which will be transferred to the new owners. Payments will be made by the sisters to Hiché in installments of 2000 and 1000 livres over a period of time. The contract is signed by Hiché and his wife, the bishop of Québec, Monseigneur Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Vallier, the mother superior, Geneviève Juchereau Duchesnay de St. Augustin, and Sisters Therese Langlois de St. Jean, Charlotte Beaudoin de St. Agnes, Angelique Hayot de St. Joseph, and Marie Joseph Juchereau Duchesnay de l'Enfant Jésus. Signatures of witnesses, Pierre Joseph Bernard and Jean Baptiste Duportes, and the royal notary, Loüet, are also included.