註釋To accompany the exhibition 'The Gap: Selected Abstract Art from Belgium', curated by Luc Tuymans, Parasol unit has produced this full color, comprehensive publication. Printed in a hand-numbered limited edition of 1,200 copies, it includes discerning essays on each of the 15 exhibiting artists by Joris Dhooghe, Cathryn Drake, Jesus Fuenmayor, Bruno Leitao, Ulrich Loock, Kate Mayne, Ken Pratt, and Gregory Volk. The publication includes an insightful discussion between Luc Tuymans and Ziba Ardalan, full color plates of all the works in the exhibition, and installation views at Parasol unit galleries. Artist(s): Francis Alÿs, Raoul De Keyser, Luc Tuymans, et.al. Exhibition: Parasol Unit, London, UK (2015) / M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium (19.02.-29.05.2016).