How to Make Money with Global Macro

Everybody is affected by macro trends such as the dotcom boom, the 2008-09 bust and many more. Not only investors, but everybody: workers, businessmen, and anybody with a pension.

There is not a single person that would not benefit from better understanding his or her environment. Wouldn't it be nice to foresee macro trends? Stay ahead of the curve, don't be a victim of the curve.

The book surveys the years from 1970-2015 to see how a person living at the time could anticipate trends; what would they focus on. In turn, this knowledge could be used in the future, together with emerging opportunities.

If you are not satisfied with what you've been taught about macroeconomics, you don't find it practical enough, this book is for you.

If you haven't learned macro, even better, you don't have to unlearn anything.

I have seen so many victims of booms and busts, I wanted to help them. After studying the subject for years and having reached so many a-ha moments, I felt compelled to write and share this book. May you prosper.